Sunday, July 27, 2008

Menu Plan Monday #26

Last week I was gone every night until at least 9:15 due to VBS at church and our last swim meet. To eliminate the stress of trying to prepare a meal during the 15 minutes I had between work and VBS, I cooked meals ahead last weekend and they kept in the fridge during the week. It worked out great except that by Friday everyone was sick of what was in the fridge and refused to eat it AGAIN. As much as I hate to admit, I did throw food out Saturday morning. Not all that much (about 3 servings worth) but none-the-less, I hate wasting food like that.
This week we'll get back on track again. I will be working later than usual this week as I have to cover for a co-worker that's on vacation this week and half of next. That just means that I'll arrive home later than usual but I'll still be able to cook dinner.

And speaking of cooking, I'm tired of the heat. I'm running out of ideas for quick & easy meals that don't heat up the kitchen. It's affecting all of us. Some of us are feeling like we're caged animals because it's just too blasted hot to be outside unless you're at the pool. We're ready to be able to sit on the deck again in the evenings.
I went grocery shopping today but I feel like it was a wasted effort. I spent yesterday trying to catch up around the house. I had promised B3 that we'd do school shopping today after church. Big sis is gone this weekend so it allowed me the opportunity to focus completely on her; good for both of us. Given that, it meant that I would be in town so I may as well get groceries. I didn't have my menu planned before hand so I wasn't nearly as prepared as I like to be. I spent the same amount of money as usual but I'm not sure that I've got everything I will need for the next 2 weeks. I hate it when this happens.

Here's what we'll be having this week --

Monday - Fried Chicken Salad (our version of the Applebee's salad), Watermelon

Tuesday - Homemade Mac & Cheese, Steamed Brussel Sprouts

Wednesday -Taco Salad

Thursday - Breakfast Burritos (Scrambled eggs with sausage & cheese wrapped in a tortilla), Cantalope

Friday -Red Beans & Rice (Zatarain's mix)


Anonymous said...

Well, I had my list done on Saturday, but like an idiot, actually went to Wal-Mart on Saturday afternoon!!!! Not smart!! Waited in line forever!! I need to have someone smack me the next time I even consider grocery shopping at Wal-Mart on a Saturday afternoon!!

Your Applebee's salad sounds good!

letterstoelijah said...

I'd love to hear how you make your fried chicken salad.. that sounds yummy!