Sunday, December 14, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

This was a food gathering weekend here. It was beginning to look as if the "little old lady that went to the cupboard to fetch a bone" was living here because the cupboards were BARE. Just ask the family, they'd be more than willing to share how empty we were.

I took the time this weekend to prepare a comprehensive shopping list and menu plan for two weeks. It takes time to do this but it's well worth it. I spent $230 -- two weeks of meals including the Christmas Day dinner. There have been times when I go to the store unorganized and I could have spent that amount and then after a week wondered what there was for a meal. Ever been there?

Here's our menu for this week:

Sunday - Chicken & Barley Chili, Crackers

Tuesday - Waffles, Bacon, Juice

Wednesday - Homemade Rice-a-Roni (similar to this recipe) with beef, Green Beans

Thursday - Spanish Potatoes (from this book), Salad

Friday - Spaghetti Carbonara, Salad, Garlic Bread

Saturday - Leftovers

For more menu ideas, visit Menu Plan Monday at Laura's place.


Anonymous said...

wow, yummy week!

Liz said...

I've been married for nearly 25 years, and have only recently come across the "breakfast as dinner" concept. Ha! We had scrambled eggs last week. We loved it. I plan on the breakfast for dinner at least twice a month now!

I want to suggest another great cookbook for quick meals, "Cooking With Trader Joe's." I love TJ, and I love their products, so this is perfect! I have so many cookbooks, but only a few are my "go to" books. This is definitely one. My family already has some favorites from this book. Plus, I like the photos -- makes me want to dig in.