The title is a quote from Lawman. Now let me explain as this is a family friendly site.
The drawers he's referring to is dresser drawers.
I asked Lawman if we could clean out his drawers (dresser, y'all!) because they won't shut. He hates it when I ask him about this. Although, I learned long ago not to attempt doing this for him as it got me into a bit of hot water. That's been years ago and I learned my lesson.
He obliged this afternoon but not without a bit of resistance and a request. He said, "Woman, if I'm doing this I need something from you." I wondered what this request would be. Turns out it was simple. A diet Coke. Easy enough.
So, after a long cool drink, he got right to work. And within no more than 15 minutes he had made his way through 5 drawers and he had a pile of items for elimiination. I got the trash bag and cleaned it up. What a feeling of accomplishment. I told Lawman that I was sure he would thank me for this because I would now be happy to put away his clean laundry.
That's very funyn that Lawman doesn't like to clean out his dresser drawers and doesn't mind the fact that they don't close. I never would have thought he could stand for that. Persoanlly it drives me nuts when a dresser drawer doesn't close! I won't tell DJ I am going to clean out his drawers, I just do it. But recently I have learned to stop as well. Because I clean out his drawers, it goes unnoticed and within two days they are back to the mess they were before I cleaned them.
How funny! My hubby has a thing for small pieces of paper or receipts. I find them EVERYWHERE! I used to just use my own best judgement in cleaning them up, but learned my lesson the hard way. Now I just swoosh them into a drawer or a box beside the bed. When they start to overflow onto the dresser I give him a 24 hour notice and remind him how much I love to throw away paper! He kindly obliges and brings me the aftermath like a proud little fisherman, showing off his catch! Ha! Men! You gotta love them!
Ok, we've heard from the ladies. Now it's the men's turn!
We, "MRSsoiveandpoitect", and I take a day out to get some old clothes that we don't really wear anymore and take them to the Salvation Army. Now. I have ONE, again, ONE, dresser to my name. Ok, I have two, but the last one is for purely work related items where I only use 2 of the 4 drawers. My lone dresser is full.
Now, lemme explain my wife's dressersssssss, closetssssssss, and other areas where clothes are "stashed". If we men asked our lady friends to clean out all the numerous closets, dressers, closets, basement closets, and all the other closets in the house then imagine all the people that would have clothes for the rest of their lives. ;)
I'm sure there has been a war started over this exact matter, somewhere in the world, at sometime in history. :)
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