Tuesday, December 30, 2008

O'Nine Baby

I relish the thought of a new year. I like the idea of starting with a clean slate. I can do or be anything I want in the new year. And to prepare for that, I've made a list. A list of skills I'd like to learn, goals I'd like to achieve or things I may already be doing that have room for improvement.

  • Be timely with mailing birthday and anniversary cards. I have the dates marked on my calendar but more times than not, I'm late.
  • Spend more time doing crafty projects. I used to do crafts and I enjoyed it. This would be a great opportunity for the girls and I to do activities together.
  • Shop early for gifts. This year I started way too late on my Christmas shopping but I'm also including birthday gifts here. If I see an item that would make a great gift for someone, I need to purchase it when I see it. Don't wait. This will eliminate the giving of meaningless gifts.
  • Learn to bake scones. I've been meaning to do this for months. I love scones and they are fabulous for breakfast.
  • Go to the ocean. Our girls have yet to see the ocean and this is something that Lawman and I want to share with them.
  • Eliminate refined flours/sugars from my diet. Add whole grains. Basically, get back on the healthy eating bandwagon. Again. I'm sick of sweets and candies. Yes, I realize that my "learn to bake scones" is contradictory....
  • Work my way through my stack of books. I've shared my nightstand with you and I vow to get through them all plus a few more.
  • Eliminate my thoughts of perfection. There have been many times that I get ideas in my head about something I'd like to do but I don't know where to start. I have a tendency to not do something at all rather than try because I think that if I can't do it "right," why do it at all.

Are you a goal maker or breaker? What's on your list?


Anonymous said...

okay - it took me a minute to figure out the 09 baby thing.

love your list! I don't recommend the ocean in our neck of the woods - the water is freezing!

my kids love scones too but I cheat and buy an organic mix that is so easy.

you know i am with you on the sugar issue!

I would suggest knitting as your craft. so relaxing, portable and you can sit on the couch and do it!

Happy New Year

Jill said...

I too was taken aback by the 09 baby. I thought you were making an announcement of the maternal kind! I really need to make a list. I know one thing I really want to do and that is to cultivate some good friends. I have lots (lots!) of acquaintances but really miss the good friends I had when I was younger. I'm vowing to do something about that.

Oh yeah, and cut out white flour and refined sugar. And probably Diet Dr. Pepper. *sigh* That will probably be harder than the friends!


n*stitches said...

great list! I am moving to a cash only spending system to help get a better handle on our finances. I even made a wallet to help organize me!